Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Teams for Better Organization

We are currently experiencing a waterfall of information, requests, and suggestions.
Thank you for all the action that is taking place out there, around the world.

1. Medical Queries:

Hollis is now at Apollo Hospital in Chennai, near an airstrip.
She was transferred because JIPMER was not providing the best of the best. This hospital was suggested by a contact that is living in Chennai and has been helping on the ground.
The urgency to move Hollis to Stanford is rooted in the belief that she will be getting world class care. Some of you have expressed concern about her moving in her condition now, and that there are world class hospitals in India. She is staying at Apollo until further notice, seeing as moving her again is a questionable activity. The family is waiting for her to further stabilize before she moves again.
Her cousin, Jill has set up another blogspot with her medical status more clearly defined than the information I have been able to get.

2. Air Ambulance Help:

We have had many people out there give some great suggestions.
Jill is the Air Ambulance contact. She has been entertaining all of the suggestions people have found. If you would like to send her valid information on flights and aid for the flights, she has asked me to forward those emails to her. again my email is elizastrack (AT) gmail (DOT) com.
In the subject line, please write "medical queries/help" or "air ambulance help" so I can weed the emails out.

-We have received a few nurse volunteers, pending clearance. The rules surrounding Air Ambulances is that the doctors have to be trained in the pressurized environments. They need to already be air ambulance doctors. There is usually two doctors and two pilots on these flights. If it is possible to volunteer for this service, then we would love the volunteers. We are in a holding pattern with that.

-A few suggestions out there have been: Military medical flights. Canadian medical flights. Chloe's father does flights usually to Africa but might be able to make an exception. Shannon Palermo has a friend in NY who has a friend who does those flight regularly to India. A nurse from Seattle said she does those flights with another company but would volunteer if she could.
I know there have been more, but this is what I can remember off the top of my head.

I am receiving two emails a minute now and it is hard to keep on top of this. We are working on teams to siphon the information so you don't feel like we are ignoring you.

We know it is hard to communicate with this website. We are trying to do the best possible.
Harrison sent me the contact info for a couple of website designers that might be able to throw a better one together. If you are them and reading this, do it!

3. Donations and Fundraisers:

Everyday we seem to double the money coming in. We are currently getting 8 donations every 10 minutes.
As of this moment, from this site only, we have raised....
Our Goal is:

This shows that our lovely lady, the dancer, the doer, the maker, the muse, HOLLIS, has touched the lives of SO MANY PEOPLE!

We are currently putting together a few benefits.
-There is a medium sized one at The Caretakers which originally was a record release show by Jonah Th'Mole, but he has decided to donate proceeds to the cause. I posted a flier earlier on this site. The venue isn't very large, so come early if you are plaaning to come.
-We are organizing a larger show that is slated for a month or so from now at a BIG venue that can have BIG acts.
If you want to help with this, we are soliciting acts, silent auction items, and volunteers. We have been offered Flux http://www.flux53.com/ for a large scale benefit in Oakland. We also need a big venue for a San Francisco. Xian has a great hookup for glossy fliers with 5,000 for $150 so if we can put together something, we could make some fliers that are blingin'
I am creating a fundraiser comittee, so if you want to help take some of my load, send me an email with "fundraiser comittee" in the subject. elizastrack (AT) gmail (dot) com.
Joe Lewis has offered his place for some smaller events, and so anyone who would like to put something like that together, I would love it.

I hope this answers some of your questions. I am trying to stay on top of it.
Thanks and have a great day,



    Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00
    get in touch with the embassy immediately.

    They are the only people that can facilitate
    a medical extraction for an American Citizen.
    They can load the patient on a C-130 and extract them to a good hospital in Europe.

    Both France and Germany have amazing hospitals. The sooner yet get the embassy
    involved, the better.

    prayers to ya'll


  2. Thank you for your suggestion. I personally called the embassy the night of the accident and the family has been speaking with them since.
